Friday, October 28, 2011

Mommy gets sick!

Up until now I’ve been lucky.  Three head colds, and the stomach flu made their way through my house and I was left unharmed.  Too soon had I spoke the words...and wham!  Mommy is smothered with a head cold.

The difference is, Mommy can’t get sick. When she does? It all falls apart.  There are dishes that at this point I assume toss out and replace with new ones.  Laundry in baskets I can no longer identify as clean or dirty; bits and pieces of family members strewn from one end of the house to the other.  It is here that I think it best to putter down the hall and seek refuge in my bed. 

With the help of Advil and pure determination, the groceries have been collected, pumpkins purchased, and shortbread cookies made at 5:30am for Gracie’s Halloween party (with a bed full of kids how was I supposed to sleep anyway). I have searched for the Halloween decorations, unsuccessful in determining their whereabouts and at this point, I’ve tossed in the towel in that department. 

With the soothing softness of Puffs strategically stuffed up my nose I continue to multitask my morning, searching for pumpkin stencils, so to create Jack-O-Lanterns with the kids (sometime before Halloween on Monday), make a feeble attempt at cleaning the kitchen, while the sounds of Treehouse TV whisper in the background while Puppy sleeps.

I’m thinking that he has the right idea.  Crawl into your comfy crate lined with blankets and a cuddle toy and sleep the morning away.  If only I could do the same.  It truly does amaze me at how quickly this house can literally go to pot when I’m not feeling well.

Yesterday I asked Drew to come help me in the kitchen.  I passed him the hand towel to dry dishes and was given a puzzled, unimpressed look.  Once again I reminded him that his item was called a dish cloth and people used them to dry dishes.  “Buddy, Mommy isn’t feeling well and could use your help”, I explain.  At eight years old this was his response. “Mom, if you leave the dishes on the counter the air will dry them you know. I don’t think I’m really cut out for manual labour.”

I would like to tell you that I smiled and took the time to explain to him that it’s important to help out around the house.  But, in my foggy, headache ridden head I wanted to take the dish towel and toss it at him.  I could hear my voice, squawking out something that made little sense to me, so I’d assume it made none to him, which inevitably led to the dishes remaining on the counter where they still sit this morning. Nonetheless, they are indeed dry. Next purchase…disposable plates.

So, with a coffee, two Advil cold & sinus in hand, and a clean set of tissues up my nose,  I will print what pumpkin stencils I’ve found, collect the last few pieces of Halloween costumes for the kids, let Puppy pee and head to bed.  Giving in to the flu, I am raising the white flag! With any luck, my Fairy God Mother will visit in my dreams, waving her magic wand leaving my house sparkly clean and Me feeling better….Please!

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

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