Friday, December 3, 2010


The Annual St. John’s Downtown Christmas Parade generally marks the countdown to Santa at our house.  Each year we bundle up the little ones and make our way toward Water Street, perching at that perfect spot.  A spot, close to restrooms, and Ziggy`s French fries, with plenty of viewing room for the kids!( got to be able to see the “big guy”!)

This year, my younger boy was walking in the parade with my sister and her two daschunds (who where dressed as reindeer!  Too cute).  He was so excited and proud to be part of the festivities.  He’d watched his older brother last year, now the torch had been passed to him.  So, we settled in with stools to sit on, baggies of popcorn, juice boxes, cookies and a coffee, ready for some holiday fun. 

The parade is filled with dancers, clowns, floats, and music – the street is lined with little kids and big kids, all with smiling faces.  How can you not.  My daughter who’s three is in awe!  “Look Mommy!”, “Mommy! LOOK!” – Even her nine-year old brother has a super grin when they pass their letters for Santa to the Postal Carriers.  Then down the road, we spot the brother, proudly marching along with doggy in tow.  He is so adorable! We shout and wave, he comes by for a high-five and a wink and off he goes keeping pace with the others.  By far one of those warm and fuzzy mommy moments I love!

Christmas is a great time of year.  I love the decorations, the music, decorating gingerbread houses, planning parties, the family traditions that are carried on and those we’ve started with our own family.  It’s the little kids and their amazement. “Where’s the North Pole?”, “How does Santa get down the chimney?”, “Does Rudolph’s nose take double “A” batteries?”.  Even as my boys get older, I still see the twinkle in their eye as they carefully calculate the items for their Santa letters.  

This weekend we’ll be breaking out the holly, bows and all the trimmings required.  With any luck all the lights on the tree will illuminate first try. Then again, who am I kidding.  It wouldn’t be Christmas if daddy or I didn’t zap ourselves at least once; be it the tree or the wreaths in the windows, one of us always and without fail, gets electrocuted.   

So, if you are like me and just starting your holiday decorating, here is our Tree Trimming Top 10 List:

1.        Have polysporin and bandaids on hand
2.       Cold compresses for the hot flashes
3.       Scope out all flyers for suitable pre-lit Christmas trees before tree construction begins
  (Make sure they are instock)
4.       In the event your tree is an unlit nightmare of minilights, refer to list item #4, taking immediate action
5.       Delegate all family members a specific task (involving non-breakable items)
6.       Remember, Santa is watching. No muttering of profanities and eye rolling should be kept at a minimum. You are having fun!
7.       Christmas music should be played at an abnormally loud level.
8.       It is perfectly normal to act your shoe size, not your age.
9.       Hugs and kisses should be at an all time high
10.   Enjoy every moment!

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