Monday, June 21, 2010

The End of Another School Year...

Well, it's that time again. The countdown to the end of the school year is in it's final days. A time when sports days, field trips and anticipation are at full throttle! No more homework, hot lunches and early mornings. Euphoric excitement of the endless possibilities awaiting in summer vacation. You remember? Don't you?

As a parent of two school age children, I too, find myself walking a little extra skip in my step.  The last week or so I have been in coasting mode.  I stress not about dinner. Pancakes will suffice.  Homework is a memory of the distant past. Along with my 'snooze' button, that is now substituted for 'off'. If we're on time, great! If not, oh well!  I believe shuttles have been propelled into orbit easier than what is required to get out of the house on time.  Yelling, running, sweaters and recess all part of the dust behind us; we're in the home stretch.

Still, it would be wrong if I did not admit that the upcoming academic freedom does not come without it's apprehension.  Ten weeks, three kids.  Ten weeks, three kids! Holy crap what are we going to do for ten weeks! In any normal part of the world one would anticipate sprinklers, beaches, trips to the park! An endless cornucopia of activties! However, in Newfoundland, those things aren't quite possible when we're regularly surrounded by fog, endless days of rain and gale force winds!  "Cabin Fever" seems more of a reality.  Ask any mother and they'll agree there is nothing worse than kids who've been cooped up for a few days let alone a summer!

Wind burn for sun burn, clay pies for sandcastles.  One must work with what one has. One must be proactive! So Summer Vacation as you approach, I would like to make two requests.  First, a little mild weather would be nice.  Mid-teens? We're not asking a lot! Two, if nothing else, let Mothers, Fathers care-givers and the like flock together bearing gifts of wine, daiquiri's and blue mountain beers!

It's summer baby!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

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