Friday, September 16, 2011

Guacamole or Bust!?

Over the last few months I had found a few new treats to tantalize my taste buds; guacamole, being one of them.  At first I wasn’t a big fan, it did however, grow on me and now I love it.  Nachos, sour cream, salsa and good old guacamole…yum!

During one of my quiet outings, perusing the aisles of the grocery store, I got it in my head to be bold and perhaps make my own.  You must keep in mind that my culinary skills are minimum and repertoire consists of six maybe seven items that I would consider high on the deliciousness scale.  I make a mean lasagne, juicy killer burgers (so I’m told), an awesome nacho casserole dip, macaroni casserole, a lovely Sunday dinner and then we go downhill from here.

Thanks to modern technology I was able to Google a recipe that seemed doable, then, text a friend to see what, if anything I was forgetting., my long time saving grace for food ideas and recipes, called for: Ripe avocados, lemon juice, sour cream, green onions, and garlic powder. My friend suggested a little chilli powder and some cumin seeds (which I had no idea what they were).  Seemed simple enough; one grocery bag and $23.00 later, I was off to produce some tasty goodness!

Avocados’, less the pit, into the bowl. Mush mush.  Sour cream, lemon juice, green onion, pinch of garlic and chilli powder – whip, whip, whip.  It is here that one reaches the critical fork in the road. An executive decision must be made as to determine what else, if anything should be added.  At this point I’m thinking it all looks pretty good.  Not quite the consistency I’m looking for, but nothing a little more sour cream and few more whips of the mixer can’t fix. Right?

Finally, my creation is looking as I believe it should. By now, two of my little people have ventured into the kitchen to see what I am doing.  “Guacamole!”, I proudly exclaim. Their faces do not show quite the same enthusiasm that I have, but none the less, we were about to taste test.  Grace grabs a bag of nachos (always eager to lend a helping hand), while Noah just keeps staring into the bowl, questioning the green substance that lay within.

Nacho, scoop, taste, and….. “BLAH!!!!”.  “Sweet mother of…”, “Mom! That’s disgusting!!” – while simultaneously my Drew enters and states, “Wow, why do you have a bowl of boogers?”.  In unison the three of us spit our muck into the garbage, followed by a mouth rinse with water, and I am immediately hit with reality of my sons statement.

This “guacamole” was terrible! I had once again managed to make a mockery of something they all said, “OH, it’s super easy to make. No problem at all”.  Well, ba-hum-bug to that!  While I have never tasted boogers, I have to admit, that I’m guessing this dip would probably be a close second.  Drew was right, not only did I manage to concoct a full bowl of booger textured, awfulness;  it was in no way aesthetically pleasing to any of the senses.  I concede defeat.

In reviewing my supplies, I believed I had ripe avocados (though I’ll never know), followed the recipe almost exactly, with only minor executive decision making…. Several days later and the children were still mocking my efforts.  “Noah, remember when Mom had you her booger mix? Ha ha ha ha”!

Guacamole or bust? A very large…BUST.

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