Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Year Diary

Dear Diary, 
Well here we are, two weeks into 2012 with Christmas and New Year's but a distant memory.  It's now back to alarm clocks and early morning scraping of windshields! With the last of the pine needles hopefully swept, the rubbermaid bins back in storage, one snow day and a Friday the 13th under our belts, we head into the new year full throttle.
For me, hockey schedules run wild with the added challenge of planning birthday parties for my two little men.  Each year I remind myself that we weren’t the best in the baby planning department as our boys birthdays are four days apart.  Parties aside, what does one buy for a gift so close after Christmas. Well, this year, it’s a special treat!
Noah’s hockey team is traveling to Montreal in February and i’m taking both boys on yet another traveling adventure.  It just so has it that very weekend the Montreal Canadian are playing the New Jersey devils. With some strategic online searching, an informative friend and an awesome Customer Service person, I now have three NHL tickets to that very game! Woohoo! The boys are going to die!

Eleven and nine! My little men.  Once tiny little peanuts and now pretty cool little men, my buddies.  Yet, not too old yet to stop giving their Mom a warm hug and a smooch every now and then.  My little Miss, well, tonight I went to school for the first Parent Meeting for Kinderstart. Phew, that was wild.  The last of the little peepers heading off to school.  Now, if you ask her, she under no circumstances will be taking any part in school.  She informed me today that homework was “inappropriate” and that she didn’t want any.  I guess for her, school consists of the lobby where we collect her brother’s on a daily basis and the homework they do at home.  I can see how she wouldn’t want to partake, still, “You’re going Sister”!
On a positive note, since the Holidays have subsided my shorty term memory seems to have improved to a degree.  Now while shopping my car remains in the parking lot where it was originally parked, my lists are now a simple index card and not a letter-sized sheet, and the disgruntled shoppers who once filled the stores have migrated back home for the Winter.  The brain has been given the chance to breathe and the results are great! Mama actually feels normal again.
So Diary, today being Friday the 13th doesn’t bother me one bit. A day of superstitions and bad luck? I think not! Most days feel like a Friday the 13th. If we’re not slipping on dog pee, peeling glued on Gracie artwork off the walls, kicking back base-boards hoping that single nail will hold on just a little longer...we’re mopping snow off the stairs, scratching nail polish off the couch, picking up Puppy teeth off the floor, dodging mini-stick balls and on the occasional day, taking up flooring and bleaching walls after a water leak from the air exchanger.  Bad luck? No.  This Diary, on Friday the 13th or any other’s just our life! It’s not unlucky, it’s perfectly mine.
Happy New Year Diary! I got a hunch it’s gonna be a good one! Yeehaw!

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