Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oil Light???

8am Hockey. Yuck. It's 7:20 and we're late, again. My hubby goes to warm up the van. He comes back in to ask, "Jill, how long has the oil light been on?". To which I respond, "Oil light? Oh crap". Had the oil light been on and I didn't notice? I don't remember seeing the oil light on. It wasn't on yesterday, was it? Thought... on-again off-again burning smell. No oil. Hmmm.

"No problem!" , he takes the van to the gas station and fills her back with oil. At home, I'm racing to get Noah ready for hockey, while my almost three-year-old is out on the front walkway with her pj's on. I can't get a hold of the little guy we pick up in the morning and now we're really late. Sorry Noah, no hash browns this morning. Grrr, that meant no fountain pop for me either.
I'm borderline irate.

Solution! Wave down my trusty neighbor, we'll call her Agent 15, as she's driving past also on her way to hockey! "Help!!"

Hubby returns with the van (oil and windshield wash - spoiled I tell ya), daughter is back inside the house, skate guards refuse to go on the skates, and got a boot in the head trying to fix the skate! Sweet jingles! This is insane! It's Saturday man!

7:55am - finally en route to practice. Child is calm and serene, mother is not. He does not get his patience from his mother. I look back and notice the McDonald's pop from yesterday had become airborne and goes from one end of the van to the other. At this point there were a few choice words on my part, colorful and articulate! "Ear muffs Noah"! Just shoot me now, please!

We arrive at the rink with seconds to spare. A miracle all it's own. I find Agent 15 and we sneak off to Tim Horton's for a coffee and my green tea (it still tastes like grass no matter how much milk). Surely the day is half over? Not quite. It's 8:03am, serenity now!!!!!

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