Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh Monday

Mondays are not a strong point in my week. After a relaxing low key weekend with children who get up their usual time Monday comes and it's always a challenge.  On a normal day I believe that shuttles are put into orbit with more ease than what is required for us to get out of the house.  As the school year contiues our arrival time becomes later and later until the familiar statement, "Yup we're officially late now"!

Today, I have three sleepy heads, a mommy who stayed up to late on eBay and a strong desire to cancel my date at the gym!  Last night I sat vigil at the computer patiently watching the minutes tick by bidding on a Star Wars lego item for Noah; and juggling the nine loads of laudry that had accumulated over the last four days.  Finally as the clock struck 11:30 we had won our item and I was feeling quite pleased with myself.  I wrote a note and stuck it to Noah's clock so that he would see it first thing in the morning. Mom's man!  This is also a preventative measure from having him wake me at 6 o'clock to see if we'd gotten it.  I went to bed shortly after midnight feeling quite pleased with myself and all that had been accomplished.

One blink later I hear the alarm, press snooze and roll back over. Surly it wasn't 7am already. As I lay there treasuring my final moments of comfort and peace it hit me.  Peace!  There was no rumbling, no bickering, no "mommy I want my pull-up off".  The Locke household was quiet and still.  Two snooze buttons later and continued silence I drag myself out of bed tiptoeing to see who, if anyone was awake.

Grace, sleeping. Drew, stirring.  Noah, dazily making his way down the hall.  "Ok, let's get going people! We're running late"!!  (like they never heard that before).  As I make my way to the kitchen I glance at the clock 8:05am.  Juice, must have juice.  WHAT! 8:05am!!! Mother of pearl!!! How many times had I hit snooze? Why can't you people sleep in on a Saturday or Sunday morning. As if Mondays aren't hard enough, I am now tossing juice boxes, wrapping cookies, yelling to the boys to get dressed, tripping over bookbags -  this is so not necessary!

Two bowls of hot cereal, some peanut butter toast and a half ass job of pig tails later...we made our way out the door, up the street and did a stop n' toss in the school parking lot.  At this point even I am laughing at the chaos (most times organized) that has become a Monday ritual.

Grace and I make our way back to the house where I grab my gym bag, saying a prayer that it's somewhat packed, lick my finger in an attempt to wipe the mascara off my cheeks and head to the gym.  It's in the parking lot where I find Heather waiting in her car that I realize I've forgotten my ear phones. Now, I don't know about you, but I HAVE to have my music when exercising.  Be it weights or cardio my motivation is in direct relation to the music in my ears.  So, like any flustered mother, I open her car door, deposit my child while muttering something about ear phones and boot it back home.

Six minutes and several profanities later I'm back.  We make our way into the gym, bring the little lady to the daycare room, change and head up stairs.  At this point I'd rather have my eye lids stapled to a wasp nest than to entertain 60 minuites of interval training.  But, when accompanied by a friend, we carry each other along successfully completing 30 minutes each of the elyptical and treadmill. In the end, it was a battle to get there but totally worth it!  Ahhh!!!'s 2pm and I am carefully calculating each minute of the rest of the day.  Supper? I have to feed them again! Hockey at five!? Crap, do we eat before or after? Did I dry out the equipment? Did the boys even have hot lunch today?  I'm tired, have wobbly legs, I'm frozen (since Spring has forgotten St. John's) - please don't let them have homework!  -  Coffee, must refuel with coffee.

I like Garfield, hate Mondays!

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