Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cakes & Snow Days!

Monday, January 24th, my second born little man celebrated his 8th birthday!  Eight years. Where does the time go? The polar opposite of his big brother, they were and still are, chalk and cheese.  One loves macaroni, one does not.  One loves pizza, one...does not.  Brown hair, blonde hair, brown eyes, blue eyes...opposites indeed; but adorable nonetheless. 

And, again, I took on the brave task of making his birthday cake.  While I did not conjure up any “poopy” coloured icing this time around, I had an unpleasant experience with some cocoa.  A friend (God bless her faith in me) suggested that cocoa would be an easy way to create black to do a hockey helmet cake. Her instructions seemed flawless.  With cocoa in hand, melted butter,  and two cups of icing sugar, I was once again make a complete mockery of “black icing”.  This time, I didn’t even hesitate to resurrect the oddly coloured mess I had made.  It simply went straight in the garbage.

Both boys play with CAPS Minor Hockey.  The team colours would provide an easy, stress-free solution to my problem.   I was a Momma on a mission.  Happy Birthday little man!

In other news...
As of 12 o'clock noon today, due to impending weather, the schools were shut down for the remainder of the day. I promptly collected my kids, a few of their friends, and my daughter from daycare and headed home.  Like any good snow day, my neighbours and I banded together.  As true believers in the strength of numbers, perhaps it would delay the ineviatable. What is that you ask?  After a movie and some time out playing in the snow, the wintery white flakes had changed to large droplets of rain. Rain made for some very wet kids, which in turn meant they wanted back inside.  End, peace and quiet. Enter, soaking wet snow suits, hats and mits, and boots scattered from one end of the house to another.  

....Seven hours dough, paints, legos, stickers, cupcakes, "I'm bored", "There's nothing to do",  and a husband who's still not home later....all I can say is, I have a headache and it had better not be a snow day tomorrow! (please)

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